Friday, October 18, 2013

Train your brain!

Aim: How can we exercise our brains?        

Do Now: Discuss with a partner the ways in which you exercise your brain.

We had some great discussion yesterday about neuroplasticity. You are all stars!!!!! Check out some fellow students posts to see what they had to say about it.

Today it's time to consider the ways in which you exercise your brain. Do you? How? If you don't, why not? For today, post a reflection on your blog about ways in which you exercise your brain and how it helps you. Reflect on exercise techniques you might add to your regimen to cultivate the Einstein in you.

Once you have posted, it's time to catch up on missed work. By the end of today, you should have ten posts on your blog if you have kept up with the work. Blogs will be graded according to the rubric posted as a page on this blog.

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