Aim: How do we analyze the difference between animals and humans?
Quick Write: Do you believe animals have souls? Explain.
Check out
this comic showing one of the many differences
between animals and humans. Do you think it is an accurate description of the differences?
Philosopher Rene Descartes famously wrote: "I think, therefore I am."
The simplest interpretation of this is that humans know they exist
because they can think. Descartes argued that even if a devil had control of
his mind, he still would know he existed because he could at least think that
thought about the devil. Do you agree?
Step 1: Read this article about the “Science of the Soul.” Based on what you already know about the mind and the information you gathered from the article, where do you fall on the following question: If there is indeed a physical (scientific) basis for thinking and feeling, what in your opinion is the basic difference between animals and humans? Use this worksheet to take notes as you read.
Step 2: Continue reading The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. How would you characterize Bauby’s life after his stroke? How has his severe physical impairment affected his feelings or thoughts? Has locked-in syndrome changed his identity as a human being? Has it affected his “soul”—whatever that is? Why or why not?
Step 3: Synthesize all of this heavy thinking into a cartoon that gives a graphic reflection of your opinion on the human vs animal debate. You might also check out this site. Show your readers your opinion on what and how animals think as opposed to what and how people think. Be creative with your graphic story. (Don’t forget that writing conventions still count.)
Argument Essays are due!!!!!!
*****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.*****
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