Quick Write: This week we 1) peer edited our argument essays, 2) strengthened our final drafts by revising them based on the feedback we got, and 3) participated in a Socratic seminar on public selective schools.
We also began a new unit in which we are reading literature through the lens of mindset psychology. To that end, we 4) analyzed and connected some essential questions and quotations to literature and we 5) reflected on the impact of the neurological condition known as locked-in syndrome.
Write a well-organized paragraph evaluating your progress on each of these five activities and skills on a 0-4 scale (See below for key.) Your evaluation is an opinion, so in order for it to be credible, you MUST support it with detailed evidence and facts.
4 = Exemplary
3 = Proficient
2 = Developing
1 = Emerging
0 = No Effort
Before we begin reading The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, share out at least one of the questions you had yesterday after watching the video and reading about locked-in syndrome. We will reciprocally read the memoir in class meaning as we read we will periodically stop to summarize what we've read and generate questions about the passage. Some of the questions you had yesterday can guide us through the reading.
Today's activity: When we've completed the reading for the day, create a Mind Map. (You should be able to open a free account.) Mind maps are like graphic brainstorming devices for taking notes. As your mind map develops, you will be able to share it on your blog. You may prefer to mind map using colored pencils and paper or other materials--and that's okay too.
Argument Essays are due!!!!!!
*****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.*****
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