Friday, January 24, 2014

I will miss you so much!

Aim: How do we evaluate our collective learning this semester?

Quick Write: What did you learn about yourself as a student this semester? What did you learn about yourself as a person?

Dear Brainiacs,                  

I have enjoyed working and learning with each and every one of you so much this semester. As you all know, you "piloted" this new course, and it was gratifying to watch you tackle the college-level material with such enthusiasm. I personally learned sooooo much from each of you, and I do think it will help make me a better teacher.

To further assist me in this endless endeavor to improve my teaching practice, please complete a course evaluation form. There are hard copies in the classroom and a link to the form below. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful comments.

I will miss you. I hope I will see you next semester--if not in my class then around the campus.

Carry on,

Ms. Becker

Click here for the course evaluation.

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