Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Changing Your Mindset (If You Want To Change)

Aim: How do we change our mindset?

Do Now: Check out the blog of the student on your immediate right. Leave two comments on his or her blog: one detail that you especially liked and one suggestion for making it even better.

Today we will continue reading and analyzing the psychology of "mindset" by reading the first chapter in Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

As we read together or independently, use this Cornell Note-taking template to take notes.

Click here to read Chapter 1 of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

Hard copies of the chapter and Cornell note-taking form are available in the classroom.

Before you leave today, revisit the survey questions that you answered on Monday (True Grit posting) and are also found at the end of the "Mindsets" chapter. Write a two-paragraph reflection on your blog explaining how your answers may now have changed or become clearer or more meaningful since completing the reading.

Final Reflection: Click here and complete the form.

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