Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Teaching "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"

Aim: How will today's guest teacher teach the class?

Quick Write: Click here to read Amy's Aim, Quick Write, and lesson plan for today.

Today, we will begin welcoming our guest teachers. At the end of each daily lesson, guest teachers will be asked to evaluate student performance by reading their blog postings, and students will be asked to evaluate the teacher by using the student-generated rubric. When evaluating your teacher be sure to add written comments at the end, supporting your score with specific and relevant details.

Reminder: Everyone is expected to be prepared for each class by reading ahead. Guest teachers are NOT expected to simply read aloud their section; they are teaching a lesson with an Aim and leading the discussion. YOU are expected to be informed enough with the day's particular section to participate in the discussion and/or activity. This can only be done by reading it prior to the lesson.

The sign-up sheet for sections is in the classroom as is the student-created rubric for grading your lesson and lesson plan templates.

What's Due

  • Mind Maps
  • Cartoons
  • Argument Essays
  • Daily Blog Postings
***Your blogs will be graded for the 2nd marking period on completeness as well as critical thinking and writing. Email me two posts for the 2nd marking period that you think were your best. These will be read for the critical thinking and writing portions of your grade.***

Remember independent reading books? Time to start thinking about your reading projects. Here's a list of suggestions. However, other ideas are encouraged. Just run them past me.

*****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.*****

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