Monday, May 12, 2014

No one's work is leaving this classroom in its underwear!

Aim: How do we edit, revise, and publish our Academic Art and Cultural Exhibition projects? 

Quick Write (emphasis on QUICK) Generate a high level question concerning your project for a peer editor.

“Writing without revising is the literary equivalent of waltzing gaily out of the house in your underwear.”  --Patricia Fuller

Someone who knew what he or she was talking about once said that all writing is 90% re-writing. If you don't think you need an editor, then you don't think!

Today we will be peer editing each other's projects. Everyone must have the experience of both editing someone and being edited by someone.

Hard copies of the peer editing worksheet are available in the classroom.

If you have read this far, you win the Keen Observer prize for the day. See me privately.

*****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.*****

1 comment:

  1. That episode of Spongebob Is one I watched randomly, He puts in so much work and then at the end of a couple of hours he looks at the paper and it only has the word "The" on it ..... hahahahah!!!! His face - Priceless,

    "I almost fell asleep during that sentence"
    I feel like that all the time when I'm not interested in anything some is trying to tell me. loool
