Monday, March 10, 2014

Inside Mindsets Jigsaw

Aim: How do we teach each other about mindset?  

Quick Write: Write one question, important idea, or observation you will use to kick off your discussion of your assigned reading of "Inside Mindsets."
Today's Agenda

Today, taking a Socratic seminar format, we will each lead discussions on our assigned sections of the second chapter of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. Prepare for this by writing down at least one question, comment, or important idea to kick off your discussion. Don't worry if you didn't understand something. (Growth mindset!) Explain what confused you and we'll all try to figure it out together. You should have your copy of the chapter and notes with you during the discussion.

Final Reflection: At the end of Chapter 2, there is a final section called "Grow Your Mindset" with five suggestions for growing your mindset. Choose one and do it! Then, write a three-paragraph reflection about your experience. Alternatively, you can create a PowerPoint or poster. If you have some other idea, run it past me. This assignment will be graded using the CCSS rubric posted on pages.

****Don't forget: You are responsible for completing all Quick Writes and reflections posted each day even when you are absent from class ****


  1. My question is for the mind set

    1. why do people mind set makes them judge other to make them selfs fell better
