Monday, March 24, 2014

The So What? of Body Paragraphs

Aim: How do we identify strong evidence to support our claims?

Quick Write (emphasis on QUICK)What evidence do you have to support your reasons?

Today's Task: Write your body paragraphs supporting your claim. What strong evidence do you have to support your reasoning? What is strong evidence anyway?

Use the double-entry journal worksheet to analyze the "so what?" factor of your evidence. Why does your reason and evidence support your claims? Why is your evidence important? There are some writing templates available in the classroom to help you integrate your evidence into your body paragraphs. See the graphic below.
Remember: Your opinion is gold if it can be supported. If you have no evidence to support your opinion, it's just cheap aluminum.

Here is the rubric by which it will be graded.

Drop Dead Due Date: You will be expected to complete final drafts, including peer editing, by Friday. The essay should be uploaded to Google Drive and linked to your blog. Essays also should be emailed to

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