Friday, June 13, 2014

Wrapping it up

Aim: How do we evaluate our collective learning this semester?

Quick Write: What did you learn about yourself as a student this semester? What did you learn about yourself as a person?

What's due by Monday, June 16, 2014*
  • Memoirs!
  • Developed and completed mind maps.
  • Independent reading projects
  • Daily blog posts (Email me the links to the two posts you think are your best. The ideas and writing components of your grade will be based on the two you choose.)
  • Returned books....................... -50 participation points if unreturned
Please complete the course evaluation. There are copies in the classroom and a link below. This will help me improve my teaching for my next crop of students.

I hope you learned at least half as much from me as I learned from all of you this semester.
I will miss you.

Carry on,

Ms. Becker

Click here for the course evaluation.

* If for some reason you need an extended deadline on something, please email me or speak to me privately.

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